Where Strangers Become Family
Crew is the ethos of Innovation Lab; culture and character are developed and sustained in ways that bring the community together, promote shared understandings, and encourage all community members to become crew, not passengers. Students are a member of their crew for four years, learning how to rely on others and build relationships with people who aren’t necessarily friends. They learn how to communicate, respect different views, and advocate for themselves. Innovation Lab students are comfortable interacting with their classmates and know the classroom is a safe place because of the trust we build in Crew.
Each grade has a different focus that students explore as they complete their four years at Innovation Lab, centering on who they are and what they can bring to Innovation Lab, their communities, and post high school life.
9th - What does it mean to be an Innovation Lab Student?
10th - How am I empowered as an Innovation Lab Student?
11th - What is my story and why does it matter?
12th - What does it mean to be an ILHS graduate?
Community, collaboration, resilience, and communication are built into every crew lesson, and students take the skills acquired in Crew to practice them in their classrooms. We recognize every crew will make the space a welcoming place for all. Crew was designed as a place to build community, foster respect through meaningful conversations, and create a sense of belonging for all.
At Innovation Lab, culture and character are developed and sustained in ways that bring the community together, promote shared understandings, and encourage all community members to become crew, not passengers.
1. Crew is a safe place, where students are seen and heard as unique individuals.
2. In Crew, students continue to develop their sense of identity, build relationships, and find their place in our community.
3. In Crew, all are nurtured and encouraged to develop a growth-mindset.
4. Crew is a place where students take responsibility for their learning through goal setting and reflection.
5. In Crew, students collectively support one another, believing that no one truly succeeds unless all succeed.
6. Within Crew, we work to identify and exemplify our school’s habits of character.
7. Crew is a place where students think critically, learn collaboratively, communicate effectively, and solve problems creatively.
8. Crew empowers students to become effective learners, ethical people, and contributors to a better world.
9. Crew leaders set the tone for high achievement by engaging students in collaboration and competition in a joyful, supportive environment.
10. Crew leaders form relationships with families, monitor academic progress, and advocate for their Crew members.