Special Education

The Special Education program at Innovation Lab serves students in 9th-12th grade in a full-inclusion model. Instructional and support services are delivered by special education teachers, general education teachers, admin, para-educators, nurse, speech language pathologist, & OT/PT providers.  All students who qualify and receive services at Innovation Lab have an assigned case manager and participate in the general education environment for 100% of their school day schedule, in compliance with federal and state law.  

Special education services are delivered in the general education setting which include individualized specially designed instruction in academic skills (reading, writing, and math), adaptive skills (e.g. self-help; self-advocacy, community, independent living), communication and language skills, motor skills, social skills, behavior and vocational skills. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed at least annually for each special education student, and goals and objectives (where appropriate) are written based upon formal and informal testing and ongoing quantitative data. Specialized transportation services are delivered in the special education environment as stated in the IEP if needed.