Application Opens January 8, 2025

Learn more about Innovation Lab! Come see us at the following events: 

Information Nights: 

January 23 - 6 p.m. 

February 11 - (virtual) 6 p.m. Zoom Link:

Building Tours: 

We are excited to offer tours on the following dates:
      February 4 & 5
      February 12 & 13

Time: Tours will run between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM with three different time slots available.

      Sign up now to book your preferred slot.

Middle School Visits: 

January 14 - Skyview Middle School
January 16 - Kenmore Middle School 
January 24 - Northshore Middle School 
January 24 - Timbercrest Middle School

January 28 - Leota Middle School
TBD - Canyon Park Middle School

Community Nights:

March 20 - March Madness Open House 
April 17 - Pancakes with the Principal
May 22 - Project Showcase


PLEASE NOTE! Currently enrolled families at ILHS do NOT need to reapply for admission to ILHS OR reenroll via ParentVUE. They are automatically enrolled to the 25-26 school year at ILHS in our school information system.

All current 8th graders at NSD middle schools will be automatically enrolled at their home high schools for the 25-26 school year. If a seat is offered and accepted by you, ILHS will move your student's enrollment to ILHS for 25-26.

If your student is new to NSD and accepts an offered seat, our registrar will reach out via email or phone with enrollment instructions at time of seat offer acceptance. (On or after February 24th).

Registration for classes at ILHS will begin in later February and early March for all currently enrolled and newly enrolled students. If your NSD 8th grade (or higher grade) student is asked to complete a registration form for their home (residence) NSD high school in the meantime, please go ahead and do so, just in case a seat offer is not made for the 25-26 school year at ILHS.



(after reading the PLEASE NOTE information above)


Our priority admissions application window opens on Wednesday, January 8th and closes by end of day, Friday, February 14th. If we have more 9th grade applicants than seats available at that point, we will use a lottery to assist our seat offer process. 

If you need our admissions application in another language, please call or email Jane Hartway at the contact information below.

Si necesita nuestra solicitud de admisión en otro idioma, llame o envíe un correo electrónico a Jane Hartway a la información de contacto a continuación.


If you are interested in the current school year, 2024-25, please reach out to Jane Hartway, ILHS Registrar, at 425-408-6221 or email at Space is very limited.


Innovation Lab offers multiple learning options for students, you can learn more about them by watching this slide deck, or in the videos below. 

Project Lead The Way

Future Ready Skills

Peer Physics

Science Programs


Project Based Learning

Crew Leader

Crew Members

Ninth Grade Year

Innovation Lab ASB

Student Voice

What do our students say about Innovation Lab High School?

Meet Principal Rodríguez

Conocer a la directora Rodríguez

Is Innovation Lab High School right for you?

Successful Innovation Lab students would describe themselves in the following ways:

ILHS Word Cloud


ILHS Ravens....

  • Love learning.
  • Are curious and want to dig deeply into topics that interest them.
  • Think critically, creatively and outside the box. 
  • Are willing to face productive failure to learn and grow.
  • Collaborate with others to create in-depth projects and design solutions to challenging problems.
  • Are eager to challenge themselves to pursue their passions and empower themselves as leaders of their own learning.
  • Are committed to being empathetic problem solvers that positively impact others.
  • Use their voice to lead, co-design, and take ownership of their school experience.
  • Seek a personalized, student-centered, non-traditional approach to learning.
  • Enjoy being part of a tight-knit community that values diversity, difference, and inclusion.


Looking for More Information?

For application process questions, contact Jane Hartway, ILHS Registrar at or 425-408-6221.

For questions about mastery-based learning, contact Kirby Morgan, ILHS Teacher,

Want to learn more about how we provide special education services at ILHS? Click here.