Raven Student Handbook

Here is the Raven Student Handbook PDF.








2024 – 2025



2020 224TH Street SE
Bothell, WA  98021


Administration Tiffany Rodríguez 6205 trodriguez@nsd.org

Main Office
Kelly Duhamel Office Manager & ASB 6201 kduhamel@nsd.org
Jane Hartway Attendance Secretary 6210 ILHSAttendance@nsd.org   
Health Room
Malia Yoder Nurse 6206 kyoder@nsd.org
Bothell Police Non-Emergency 425.486.1254
Counseling Office
Jon Cohn Counselor 6209 jcohn@nsd.org
Jane Hartway Registrar 6221 jhartway@nsd.org
Tiffany Moenoa School Psychologist 6259 tmoenoa@nsd.org 
Siano, Hannah SLP 6211 hsiano@nsd.org
Sami, Rajendra Facility Manager 6207 rsami@nsd.org
Van Hulle, Shelby Custodian svanhulle@nsd.org 
Nanda, Nandita Cook 6208 nnanda@nsd.org
Mudaliyar, Priya STS 6288 pmudaliyar@nsd.org
Para Educators
Gilbert, Brienne Classroom Para 6236 bgilbert@nsd.org
Linganathan, Porselvi Classroom Para 6236 plinganathan@nsd.org
Sajid, Anisa 1:1 Paraeducator 6236 asajidkan@nsd.org
Singh, LaPorsha Classroom Para 6236 lsingh@nsd.org
Baker, Amy Special Education 6215 abaker@nsd.org
Berutti, Andrea Social Studies 6227 aberutti@nsd.org
Briley, Kristin Librarian 6239 kbriley@nsd.org
Carpenter, Alex Science 6222 acarpenter@nsd.org
Crisp, Ashley Science 6270 acrisp@nsd.org
deVidal, Chris English 6245 cdevidal@nsd.org
Diehl, Mo Social Studies, English 6221 mdiehl@nsd.org
Eddy, Anthony Chemistry/Math 6276 aeddy@nsd.org
Fluster, Matthew Math 6277 mfluster@nsd.org
Franklin, Kelsea Special Education 6257 kfranklin@nsd.org
Fung, Jakin Heath/Fitness 6289 jfung@nsd.org
Gallo, Julia English, Social Studies 6228 jgallo@nsd.org
Gardner, Sarah Special Education 6257 sgardner@nsd.org
Hutchison, Stacey World Languages 6284 shutchison@nsd.org
Lazo, Carlos World Languages 6243 clazo@nsd.org
Lunceford, Clare Art, English 6217 clunceford@nsd.org
McTavish, Alec Career & Technical Education 6223 amctavish@nsd.org
Morgan, Kirby English, Math 6224 kmorgan@nsd.org
Storey, Andrew Special Education 6256 astorey@nsd.org 
Stoddard, Lauren Multilingual Learners 6263 lstoddard@nsd.org
Anonymous SafeSchools Tip Line to report issues of concern — nsd-wa.safeschoolsalert.com
ASB President Tyler Neal
ASB Vice President Chloe Ann Smith
ASB Treasurer Jasmin Ahluwalia
ASB Secretary Azure Huang
Communications Chair Ollie Tchervenski
Clubs & Activity Liaison Liliella Eaton
Committee Chair M Sul



Student Expectations

Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Safe.

Northshore School District Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

As a part of the Northshore School District, Innovation Lab High School students are expected to adhere to the District’s Code of Conduct as outlined in the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. All school rules below are aligned with the District expectations contained in the R&R.

 Academic Integrity/ Honesty Honor Code:   

Innovation Lab High School adheres to a philosophy of promoting honest and ethical behavior. Cheating is unacceptable. The following policy becomes effective upon enrollment at ILHS and is cumulative until graduation.

An education cultivates honor, honesty, character, and perseverance, along with the growth of knowledge and the development of thinking skills. Personal integrity determines our actions and influences every aspect of life. Authentic work is based on the student’s individual and original ideas with the ideas and work of others fully acknowledged. All assignments, written or oral, completed by a student for assessment and grading must use the student’s own language and expression. Sources used or referenced, whether in the form of direct quotation or paraphrase, must be fully and appropriately acknowledged. Understanding the meaning of academic honesty and applying it daily is of primary importance in the educational program of all students at Innovation Lab High School.

The following behaviors are dishonest and violate the Innovation Lab High School Academic Integrity / Honesty  Code:

Plagiarism is the representation of the ideas of work of another person as the student’s own. This includes copying another person’s paper, report, lab book, or assignment in whole or in part and submitting it as one’s own. This can be intentional or the result of sloppy scholarship. A superficial change of wording, structure, or conclusion is not sufficient to turn aside the charge of plagiarism.  Students at Innovation Lab High School are expected to avoid any form of plagiarism and maintain high standards of academic integrity and honesty.

Collusion is supporting the lack of honesty by another student, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another. Identical or highly similar passages of his or her own ideas and own expression of ideas unless you are directed by the teacher to work with others as a part of the assignment are considered an act of collusion. Ultimately, each individual’s work should be composed of his or her own ideas and own expression of those ideas.

 Duplication of work is the presentation by two or more students of the same assignment, paper, project, or any other work for assessment.

 Technology Malpractice is any misuse or abuse of technology including infractions of the school technology user agreement, language translation sites, cell phone messaging or picture transmission.

Artificial Intelligence tools are allowed and encouraged as a tool for idea generation and brainstorming.  But never as a shortcut for completing homework, or generating text for assignments, or conducting research.

Some examples of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to

• Using cheat sheets, looking at someone else’s paper during an assessment 
• Giving out test questions to other students 
• Exchanging tests, reports, notebooks or assignments 
• Giving answers to other students during a test or allowing them to copy your work 
• Using electronic devices that can record/transmit answers or pictures of tests and assignments to self or others 
• Giving/loaning a copy of your project, or someone else’s, to another student 
• Plagiarizing from a source or not properly citing sources.*
•Turning in AI generated or Chat GPT generated work.

*Changing the words of an original source is not sufficient to prevent plagiarism. If you have retained the essential idea of an original source, and  have not cited it, then no matter how drastically you may have altered its context or presentation, you have still plagiarized. When in doubt, ask  or check with your teacher, and/or counselor. 


First offense will result in an incomplete for the assignment/quiz/exam/project, parent/guardian contact, and documentation in Synergy (the student information system). The student will be assigned lunch detention and be required to either redo the assignment, or the teacher may opt to require an alternative assignment/test in lieu of a redo. The student's grade is not affected unless the student chooses to never re-do the work, re-take the assessment, etc.

Second offense - In addition to an incomplete the student will be required to redo the assignment (see First offense), a second offense will result in a Saturday School and a restorative conference with the student’s parent/guardian contact, counselor,  and administrator. The incident will be recorded in Synergy (the student information system).

Further offenses will result in school suspension and additional restorative conferences.

Note - for first offense violations, students will be offered the opportunity to take an academic integrity online course (approximately  4 - 8 hours). Students who successfully complete the course and have no other violations will have the first offense deleted from their school records prior to graduation.

Appropriate Behavior / Affection

Overt and inappropriate displays of affection on campus and at school functions are not permitted.  This includes excessive hugging, kissing, caressing, etc. anywhere on campus or at school events.  “Hug and Release” is our motto!  Students will accrue progressive discipline for violations.


Daily attendance and active participation in each class is a critical part of the learning process. Regular and  punctual attendance by all students is also necessary for the proper functioning of the entire school. The following processes are designed to  help students learn responsibility and increase their potential for success.  

All-day absences and late arrivals must be cleared within TWO school days (48 hours) by parent phone call to our 24-hour attendance line at  425 408-6210 OR a written excuse signed by the parent/guardian, including the reason the student was not in school, OR by email at  ILHSattendance@nsd.org.  

• It is the student’s responsibility to have parents excuse absences on time.  

• When arriving late or leaving early, students must check in/out at the front lobby desk and use the iPad. 

• Disciplinary consequences will be assigned for unexcused absences, truancy/skipping class, and unexcused tardies. 

• For unexcused absences see the Becca Law (RCW 28A.225.020 and RCW 28A.225.030).

• Students are not entitled to assignments/quizzes/tests for absences that are unexcused.

For any absence not pre-arranged, lasting 5 consecutive days or longer, we ask that a doctor's note be provided. For excessive excused absences, an Attendance Contract and conference with caregivers  will be required to help students  manage their time and help them succeed in school. When absent, a student’s grade may be affected because of the student’s inability  to make up the activities conducted during a class period. NOTE: Should a student miss an excessive number of days because of a serious  illness, injury, or family crisis, and these absences are verified by the building administration, the above procedure may be waived. 

• The principal/designee has the authority to determine if an absence meets the criteria for an excused absence (NSD Board Policy No.  3122). 

• Early dismissals must be arranged BEFORE leaving campus. The Attendance Office will not accept notes or phone calls after an early  dismissal has already occurred. Students must sign out at the front lobby desk iPad at all times before leaving school for early dismissals.  Leaving campus without signing out at the Attendance Desk is considered an unexcused absence. 

• ONLY Juniors and Seniors in good standing are allowed off campus for lunch once permission is granted. This privilege may be revoked for students violating school rules and/or the privilege interferes with student’s academic performance. This includes, but not limited to:

  • Leaving campus to smoke or engage in other illicit behaviors.
  • Leaving campus during the school day, other than lunch, without permission.
  • Returning late (or not returning) after lunchtime is over.
  • Being accompanied by or transporting other students, whether or not they have off-campus privileges.
  • Excessive number of tardies and/or absences to any class.
  • Unpaid student fines or fees. 
  • Students are NOT permitted to selectively attend certain classes/period.

Behavior at School Events

Students of ILHS are expected to model appropriate behaviors any time they represent our school at home or away athletic contests, field trips, school-sponsored events, etc. All school rules apply during any supervised event occurring during regular school hours and outside the school day that involves ILHS students.

Buses / Bus Passes

Students will comply with all rules and regulations pertaining to school district transportation. Failure to comply will result in corrective action. Students wishing to ride a bus to a location other than their assigned bus route must have written permission from a parent/guardian which includes their student’s name, the date, and the address of the stop at which they are getting off. Form are available by contacting attendance at 425.408.6221.

Cafeteria / Lunches

Lunch must be consumed in the cafeteria and designated areas on the first floor only. Weather permitting, outdoor seating will also be allowed.  Students are responsible for clearing their garbage, recycling and composting after eating/drinking.

Lunch Payment Options

Prepayment can be made on a student’s lunch account by paying the cooks in the kitchen (cash or checks made out to NSD Food Services). For a fee, deposits to lunch accounts may be paid over the phone or online with a credit card (Discover, Mastercard or VISA) thru LINQConnect. The student’s ID number should be included with all payments.  

Applications for free and reduced meals programs are available from the ILHS Cashier or on-line at www.nsd.org/meals.  The online application only takes a few minutes and is the fastest, easiest way to get approved.  Paper applications will be available in all school offices and the district's Food Services office beginning in August.  Parents wishing to have a paper application mailed to them should contact the Food Services office at 425.408.7657. To qualify, applications must be submitted each year. 

School Meals Translated Applications


Off Campus Lunch

ILHS Junior and  Seniors have limited Off Campus privileges for lunch and lunch only.  Details are below:

Who can have an Off Campus pass for lunch?

Juniors and Seniors ONLY

Students must be in “good standing” defined as: 

#1) no “F” grades (if student has an “F” he/she can re-earn Off Campus Lunch Privileges after F grade is brought up to at least a C)
#2) no past or present discipline for drug/alcohol offenses
#3) no unexcused absences, and
#4) fewer than 4 unexcused tardies in a given class.

Students must have parent/guardian permission to have an Off Campus pass for lunch (there is an Off Campus Pass form that must be signed by both student and parent/guardian)

Students are not allowed to eat in lunch in their cars in the school parking lot. 

  • What if a student with an off campus pass is late to class after lunch?

  • 1st Offense - Warning
  • 2nd Offense - Loss of Pass for a full week (5 school days)
  • 3rd Offense - Loss of Pass for remainder of semester (student can be reinstated 2nd semester if lost during 1st semester)
  • 4th Offense - would occur during a re-instated 2nd semester and would result in immediate loss of pass for the rest of the school year


  • What if a student tries to take a student without a pass with them to lunch off campus?

    • Taking any student without a off-campus pass off campus for lunch would result in immediate loss of the Off Campus pass for the rest of the school year and would result in discipline for the student without an off campus pass for leaving campus without permission

  • Can a Student with an Off Campus pass eat their lunch in the class period following lunch?

    • No.  Lunch must be eaten during the lunch period and not after.

  • Do school & district rules still apply during off campus lunch?

    • Yes.  Especially the rules around the illegal use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and all e-cigarette devices, vapes, etc.

  • What if a student gets a speeding/reckless driving ticket or causes an accident during off campus lunch?

    • This would result in the immediate loss of the off campus pass for the rest of the school year.

Remember, having an Off Campus Pass is a privilege, not a right.

Please remember that any infractions that occur during 1st Semester do carry over to 2nd Second Semester.

Campus Security / Cameras

Areas of the ILHS campus are under video surveillance. Images and video footage may be collected that allow an individual to be identified. The use of video surveillance is for the purposes of student and staff safety, deterring theft, and facilitating the identification of individuals who behave in a disruptive manner, cause damage to campus property, or who are otherwise in violation of the school’s Rules of Conduct.

Cell Phones / Communication and Electronic Devices

Personal electronic devices such as cell phones, headphones, music players, tablets, etc.  are to be put away during class time, out of sight and on silent. With teacher permission and for educational purposes only, personal electronic devices may be used to further the specific learning in the classroom. 

Personal electronic devices may be used before school, after school, during passing, and during both nutrition breaks and lunches. Please note that Innovation Lab High School assumes no responsibility for the loss or theft of personal electronic devices while at school.  

The use of technology that is deemed to be disruptive to the educational process is forbidden and may result in disciplinary consequences. 

In order to reduce out-of-class distractions and to limit loss of instructional time, students are required to leave phones in the classroom when going to the bathroom.  

Recording devices such as phones, digital cameras, drones, Google Glass, wearables, etc. are not to be used in classrooms or on campus without permission from the classroom teacher or administrators. Audio, photo or video recording of anyone without their expressed verbal and/or written consent is forbidden.  Students using their cell phones as cameras in an inappropriate way may be cited for harassment, bullying, and/or cheating. This includes taking someone’s picture without that person’s permission.  

All devices are subject to confiscation by administration if the administration suspects the electronic equipment is being used for inappropriate activities or activities inconsistent with district or school policies. Sending or receiving nude pictures of minors is against the law and both the sender and receiver may face legal charges, including being cited with possession and/or distribution of child pornography. 

During any emergency drill or event, all ringers/sounds must be turned off, and no verbal communication will be allowed.

Discipline for inappropriate use of technology:

  • 1st violation:
    • Teacher will have a conversation with the student. 
  • 2nd violation:
    • Teacher will have a conversation with the student and contact the parent(s)/guardian(s). 
  • 3rd violation:
    • Teacher will have a conversation with the student and submit a discipline referral. A teacher may assign lunch detention or after-school detention or other appropriate consequences.

Further violations will result in progressive discipline which may include parents/guardian coming to pick up the device, students being placed on a cell phone contract that requires them to check their cell phone into the lock box in the office or leave their device at home, Saturday School, in-school suspension, etc. 

If a student refuses to put away their cell phone/personal device upon request, this will be considered insubordination, in addition to a violation of the cell phone policy, resulting in increased disciplinary action for both violations. 

Changes in Student Enrollment Information

Parents can update student enrollment information such as phone numbers, email addresses, and emergency contact information through ParentVue. Home address changes need to be given directly to the Counseling Office staff. To receive the activation key for your ParentVue account, contact the ILHS Registrar.

Closed Campus and School Boundaries

Innovation Lab High School is a closed campus during the entire scheduled school day with the exception of juniors and seniors who have earned off-campus privileges during lunch. Students with late arrivals or early dismissals are to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before their first scheduled class and leave campus within 10 minutes of the end of their last scheduled class.

Students, other than those who depart for special off campus education (WANIC, Running Start), must have an excuse slip from the Attendance Office before they may depart campus during the academic day.  Students are not to be in any of the parking lots during the school day except when arriving or departing. Vehicles are not to be used as lockers. Violators will be disciplined and may lose their parking permit or off-campus pass.  If a situation arises where a student needs to get an item from their vehicle, they will either need to let the Main Office staff know or get a pass from a staff member.

Under no circumstances may students eat lunch in their cars in the school parking lot

All school rules apply while students are on the ILHS Campus, adjacent properties to Innovation Lab High School (i.e. adjacent properties are defined as areas that can be seen from anywhere on the ILHS campus), any Northshore School District property, or at a Northshore School District activity.

Clubs - Get involved!

The Following are a few of the clubs and interest groups that Innovation Lab offers. Students may also request permission to begin a new club or interest group at any time. New clubs are added every year. 

  • Art Club
  • ASL Club
  • Aquatics Club
  • Battle of the Books 
  • Book Snakes Book Club
  • Chess Club
  • Climate Action
  • Coding and Robotics
  • Community Service Club
  • Cooking Club
  • Cosmetology 
  • Debate Team
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club
  • eSports
  • Film-makers Club
  • Gardening 
  • Kindness Club
  • Photography Club
  • Pride Club
  • Marketing 
  • Mental Health Club
  • Model UN Club
  • Music Club
  • Newspaper: The Flock Report
  • Table Tennis Club (PingPong!)
  • Theater Arts
  • Yearbook
  • Ravens Sports
  • Crochet and Knitting Club
  • RC Club
  • Varsity 4 Square
  • Card Club
  • Beyblades
  • Magic: the Gathering 

College Entrance Testing

1. PSAT/NMSQT — The Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test will be given at school to all Juniors and Sophomores to help them prepare for the SAT. The test measures a student’s knowledge of reading, writing, and math assessment. This test is given once per year in October. All Sophomores and Juniors will be charged a $18.00 exam fee for the PSAT.

2. SAT — The Scholastic Assessment Test stands as a requirement for entrance to some four-year institutions. There are several test dates and certain schools are designated as test centers. This is an online registration. Flyers are available in the Counseling Office or via the internet.

Community Resources
Free, confidential information and referral help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling, crisis and more, call 211.
Hotlines & Programs
Northshore School District Anonymous Tip Line 855.521.2665 Or 1414@alert1.us
Center for Human Services 425.402.4371
Public services that include family counseling, family centers, substance abuse programs
National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1.800.273.TALK Or 1.800.273.8255
Young Suicide Prevention Program 206.297.5922
24-hour crisis information and intervention for suicidal youth, friends and family

Safe Place 800.RUNAWAY Or text SAFE and your address to 69866 or 4HELP Or 800.786.2929

Lakeside-Milam Recovery Center 425.822.5095

Visit the District Community Resources website on Northshore’s district website for a more comprehensive list.  (NSD.org/resources/support/assistance)

Counseling, College, and Career Center

Your counselor is here for each and every one of you. He will help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and college/career development. Here are a few common reasons students see their counselor: 
You are struggling in a class and have already talked to the teacher and need help figuring out what to do next. Your counselor can help! 
You want help in the journey to college. Your counselor will help with finding the right fit, applications, letters of recommendation, and much, much more!
You are thinking that a 4-year college experience might not be right for you and you want to see what else is out there. Your counselor is a resource!
You are struggling with anxiety, sadness, depression, thoughts of suicide, drug and/or alcohol use, making friends, finding community. See your counselor ASAP!
You have a friend that you are concerned about and don’t know what to do. Your counselor can help! 
There are many more reasons to see your counselor… So...if you don’t know where to turn, turn to your counselor.  

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying occurs when any electronically transmitted acts gesture or written, verbal, graphic (i.e. the internet, cell phone, personal digital assistant [PDA], or wireless handheld device) that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression; or a mental, physical, or sensory disability or impairment; or by any other distinguishing characteristics. Such behavior is considered harassment or bullying whether it takes place on or off school property, at any school-sponsored function, or in school provided transportation.

Cyber bullying shall mean harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by way of technological tools, such as sending or posting embarrassing, inappropriate or derogatory email messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings (including blogs) which causes an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a student’s educational opportunities or has the effect of:

1.     Physically, emotionally or mentally harming a person; or
2.     Placing a person in reasonable fear of physical, emotional or mental harm; or
3.     Placing a person in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property; or
4.     Has the effect of substantially disrupting the operation of the school.

(For a more complete statement, please see the https://www.nsd.org/rights-responsibilities.)


All Innovation Lab High School students will be responsible for following the dance behavior guidelines outlined in this section. 

School dances are limited to ILHS students and their invited/approved guests. All guests must have a completed dance contract on file before they may attend a ILHS sponsored dance. 

ILHS students may bring no more than one guest per person. The host student shall be responsible for the behavior of the guest. All guests must be in at least ninth grade and no older than 20 years old. Students attending college/community college or in the workforce must attach a copy of their driver's license to their Guest Dance Contract.

Every ILHS student must have a photo ID card to attend the dance. Invited/approved guests must also show their photo ID when entering the dance.

All school/district rules apply. Dancing guideline - Face to Face and Leave Some Space.  Have a good time WITHOUT explicit dancing of a sexual nature, moshing or unwanted physical contact. Unwanted physical contact creates a hostile environment and will be treated as sexual harassment. Chaperones will follow their judgment to determine inappropriate dancing. No violent, lewd, or “mosh pit” style dancing is allowed.

Students who choose to ignore any of the rules will be asked to leave the dance.  Chaperones have the ability to give warnings or remove students if they feel the dancing is inappropriate.  If you or your guest are asked to leave the dance, you and your guest may be subject to appropriate school/district discipline.  Refunds will not be issued for students sent home. Parents/guardians will be called to come and pick up the student and guest if necessary.

Students leaving early for any reason may not re-enter the dance (“once you are in, you’re in - once you are out, you’re out”). Dance tickets are non-refundable.

Discipline assigned for any reason (including but not limited to forgery, misrepresentation, disruptive behavior, disrespect, tobacco, vape use, dress code violations) may be one of these types:
Parent conference
Restorative conference
Behavior agreement
Community service
Lunch Duty:  Served in the Commons during student’s lunch period
Detentions:  After school – specific date will be noted on discipline paperwork as well as length of detention
Saturday School:  Held on specific Saturdays as will be noted on discipline paperwork
Vape Educate:  Online program to be completed by student
Alcohol/Tobacco/Other Drug (ATOD) Classes:  Held on specific dates as will be noted on paperwork
In-School Suspensions:  Use to be determined by administration
Short-Term Suspension:  Less than 10 days
Long-Term Suspension:  Greater than 10 days
All discipline is progressive, ie:  failure to complete assigned discipline will result in the discipline being doubled. Students who do not attend assigned Saturday school are subject to suspension.
Here are the procedures for student electronics during classes (includes phones, computers, etc.)
  • All electronics (phones, earbuds, headphones, etc.) must be off and put away. 
  • Electronics must stay in the classroom when students go to the bathroom
  • Teachers may have students use electronic devices for academic purposes 
  • Students may use their electronic devices before school, during passing times, nutrition break, lunch, and after school
Our administrative and counseling staff are always willing to deliver messages to students regarding family emergencies such as deaths, accidents, or severe illnesses. Other than these emergency situations, however, we are unable to deliver notes, flowers, balloons, or reminders to students for any other reason.  Not only are the interruptions to class a detriment to the learning environment, there are also serious potential safety and security issues involved in delivering unverified information/packaging to our students.
Please be certain that your son or daughter is aware, before coming to school, of any appointments for that day. It is a great lesson in personal responsibility for them and helps us to maintain a safe and productive educational environment for all of our students.
Innovation Lab High School endeavors to teach students appropriate behavior both in and out of the classroom.  In certain circumstances, students may receive disciplinary consequences such as detention for inappropriate behavior.  
When the inappropriate behavior is relatively minor, a lunch detention may be imposed (Level 1).  Lunch detention is 30 minutes long and lasts the entire lunch period for the student.  Students who earn lunch detention will eat in a supervised location.
When the inappropriate behavior is more severe, students may earn any of the following:
  • One hour after-school detention (Level 2) (note:  this detention supersedes all sports practices and other commitments except for those pre-arranged by parents with an administrator)
  • Two-hour Saturday School (Level 3)
  • Four-hour Saturday School (Level 4)
Should a student choose to skip a detention, the next level detention will be assigned, including In-School Suspension.  Students may request to reschedule a detention for legitimate reasons (e.g. an orthodontist appointment, a wedding, etc.) but must do so with an administrator prior to 11:30 AM on the day of the scheduled detention.  Please note:  sports practices and games, other practices and performances, etc. are not legitimate reasons to reschedule detention.


Dress Code

The following is taken directly from the NSD Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook:

Consequences for Violating the Dress Code Policy:
  • First violation — change clothing.
  • Second violation — change clothing and parent notification.
  • Third violation — change clothing, parent notification, and referral to admin.
Continued violations of the dress code will result in progressive disciplinary actions.

Part-Time ILHS Students and Full-Time Running Start Students

If you attend classes off campus (Running Start or District program at another building for example), you are expected to arrive on the ILHS campus no earlier than 10 minutes prior to the start of your ILHS class or classes, and you are expected to leave campus no later than 10 minutes after the end of your ILHS class or classes. The only exception to this is for students who are waiting for District transportation to and from their programs.

Having unsupervised students on campus while classes are in session not only creates the potential for the disruption of classes during the school day, but it also poses potential security and safety risks for our student body. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this matter.

Running Start

High School juniors and seniors that have college level academic ability and a higher than average maturity level  have the opportunity to attend community college and receive high school and college credit at the same time. The student must first take a placement examination at a community college to qualify for college-level courses. For more information on coursework and required placement exams, contact the local community college and/or your school counselor.

•  Students are required to participate throughout the entire academic school year (September through June/three quarters) and maintain the equivalent of a full-time FTE in order to participate in school-sponsored graduation activities (commencement ceremony, awards assembly, senior breakfast, etc.). 

•  Running Start students are responsible to keep current with the ILHS calendar and all due dates. Up-to-date information is always on the ILHS website.

Duty to Report 

Students who witness or have knowledge of school violations or violations of local laws have the duty to report to an administrator. This includes, but is not limited to information about theft, harassment, assault, bullying, threats, self-harm, drug and/or alcohol use, etc. Administration will respect confidentiality. Students may also anonymously report information to the Safe Schools Tip Line at 855-521-2665 or message 1414@alert1.us.  


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."

  • Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
  • Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
  • Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):


  • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
  • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
  • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
  • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
  • Accrediting organizations;
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; 
  • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
  • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.


Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

For additional information, you may call 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327) (voice). Individuals who use TDD may use the Federal Relay Service.

Or you may contact us at the following address:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-8520

Fighting / Assault / Provoking an assault

Students involved in fighting on or near school district property or at a school event will receive an “Emergency Expulsion” and the police will be notified. Fighting includes behaviors that provoke or instigate, and/or any physical contact in a hostile manner (including claims of “self-defense” or “play fighting”).


RCW 28A.635.060 allows the schools to hold grades, diplomas, and transcripts of students who deface, destroy, lose, or otherwise injure any school property.  The fines are cumulative and shall be passed on from one school year to the next until the fine(s) is/are paid.

Students with outstanding fines will not be eligible to:

  • Purchase an ILHS parking pass                       • Purchase Senior Prom tickets

• Purchase dance tickets                                 • Purchase Senior Breakfast tickets

• Diploma will be held                               • Pick up graduation announcements

• Transcript will be held                                 • Buy additional graduation tickets

• No final report card                                                                     

Fines come in daily, so a student’s status can change at any time. School District Policy 3520, and State law, require that due process be afforded each student upon imposition of a fine.

All accrued fines and fees must be cleared with the ASB Bookkeeper.

Follow a Reasonable Request

Students are required, by law, to follow all reasonable requests made by ILHS staff or Northshore School District employees.

Food / Drink / Gum

Classroom “food, drink, and gum” policies will be established by individual classroom teachers and students are expected to abide by teacher expectations for their classrooms. All classroom food and drink policies will be enforced by teachers and supported by the administration.

Gambling / Gaming

Any form of gambling is prohibited. Playing card games during the students' lunch period is permissible. Card playing during instructional time is not permitted.

Graduation Information

Please visit Graduation Information on the Northshore School District website.

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

Innovation Lab High School endeavors to create a campus where all students are welcome and feel safe.  Harassment, intimidation, and bullying mean any gesture or display, written, verbal, or physical act that is intended to inflict injury, violence, intimidation, humiliation, or a reasonable fear of the same. A threat of harm in any form directed to another person, student, or staff member is unacceptable behavior. When an incident of harassment, intimidation, or bullying is reported to a school staff member, an administrator will follow up on the report and verify that the behavior has occurred. Administrators will consider the surrounding circumstances, the nature of the behavior, the relationships between the parties involved and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred in their determination of the facts and disciplinary actions. Also see Cyber Bullying.

(For a more complete statement, please see the Northshore School District Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.)


Innovation Lab High School endeavors to create a campus where all students are welcome and feel safe.  Hazing is the perceived pressuring of an individual to perform inappropriate or humiliating tasks and stunts. Hazing is illegal and absolutely forbidden in any form. Students participating in hazing activities will be subject to immediate discipline and legal consequences.

Health Room

Our Registered Nurses serve our building, Innovation Lab High School. Her duties are diverse, from administering first aid and necessary medication to monitoring the general health and well-being of our students. Our health room is used for emergency care and for ill students awaiting pick-up. Space and personnel are not available to accommodate extended care or supervision. We require that a parent/guardian or an emergency contact pick up their sick student within the hour that they are contacted.

 For your student’s safety it is very important to keep your home, cell, work, and emergency contact telephone numbers current. If you change jobs or cell phone numbers, please give us your new number immediately. This will assist us in getting in touch with you in the event of an emergency.

If a student feels ill during the school day they are expected to consult with the nurse. The nurse then will determine if parent contact is necessary. Ill students should not contact their parent/guardian via text/call without consulting the nurse. Please keep the nurse informed of any health concerns or changes in your child's health, including new or resolved medical or mental health diagnosis, medication changes and immunization updates.

 When Should I Keep my Student Home from School?*

  • A temperature, taken orally, that is 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, is considered a fever. Students should be fever-free, without fever reducing medication, for at least 24 hours before sending them to school.
  • Anytime a student vomits or has diarrhea, he/she needs to be isolated from other students for 24 hours. If your student vomits or has diarrhea in the night, keep him/her home from school the following day.
  • Any rash of unknown cause should be considered contagious. Please have your student examined by a healthcare provider to determine the cause and communicability of the rash before sending him/her to school. The student may not return to school unless there is a letter from the medical professional stating that the rash is not communicable in nature, or unless the rash is no longer present.
  • 24 hours after administration of the first dose of an antibiotic or as directed by the health care provider.

*Note these guidelines are general reminders of when to keep a student home. In times of pandemic disease response in the community at large (such as COVID 19), additional recommendations may be requested by the district and/or local/state health authorities for keeping an ill student home or for a student’s return to school after being absent for a specific illness.


If a student is injured at school, they will be given emergency first-aid treatment by the nurse, principal, school secretary, or a first aid-trained health room assistant. The parents will be called immediately in the event of a serious injury. If you are not at home or work, the person listed as the 

"First Emergency" contact will be called. If no one is available to come for the child, we will use our best judgment on whether to keep the child in the nurse's office or call 911 for medical assistance.

 Injuries at School - Parent Financial Responsibility

The health and safety of our students is one of the district’s foremost concerns.  Even so, accidents may and do happen and the resulting medical bills (ambulance transport, surgery, etc.) can be very expensive.  However, many families are unaware that the district does not carry insurance for student personal injury costs and cannot assume responsibility for them.  Parent/Guardian Responsibility:  Parents or guardians are financially responsible for any medical bills if their child gets hurt during school or a school activity.  This includes students participating in athletics, recess and after school activities.  If your student participates in a sport, please make certain your family insurance plan covers athletic participation.  

Information about optional student accident/illness insurance can be found at: 


Children with Life Threatening Conditions

In order to provide a safe learning environment, the state of Washington passed a law that requires students with life threatening conditions to have medical orders and a nursing care plan in place BEFORE the first day of school attendance. (Chapter 101, Laws of 2002, amending Chapter 28A.210 RCW).

The law defines life-threatening conditions as “a health condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if a medication or treatment order and a nursing plan are not in place.” Children with life-threatening conditions such as diabetes, severe bee sting or food allergies, severe asthma, severe seizures, etc., are required to have a medication or treatment order in place before they start school.

“Medication or treatment order” means the authority a registered nurse obtains under RCW 18.79.260(2). This is covered when the child’s licensed health care provider completes the Authorization for Medication form or treatment order for medical services to be performed at the school. If a medication or treatment order is not provided, the principal of the school is required to exclude the child until such an order is provided. This requirement applies to students with life-threatening conditions who are new to the district, and students who are already attending the school.

If your child has a life-threatening health condition requiring medical services at school, or if you have questions about a medical condition, please notify the school nurse right away. Students with a life-threatening condition qualify for a 504 Accommodation/Emergency Care Plan. Please set up a meeting with the school nurse in order to have all necessary forms and medications in place prior to starting school.

Health Screening

Health screening for hearing and vision is done each fall in grades K-3, 5th and 7th. Other students may be screened for hearing or vision upon referral by the teacher or parent. The vision screening does not identify all vision problems and is not intended as a substitute for periodic eye examinations by a healthcare provider. A referral letter will be sent home when a student’s hearing and/or vision screening results do not meet the expectations for their age.


For the protection of your child, the Washington State immunization law states that every child attending public or private school must show proof of compliance with the law before the student’s first day of attendance. Northshore School District requires healthcare provider verification of student immunizations. Any student not meeting this requirement will be excluded from school attendance. Bothell Health Point (425-486-0658) accepts medical coupons and has a sliding fee scale. If you need assistance in acquiring these immunizations, please contact the school nurse.

Medications at School

If your student will be taking ANY medication at school, you must confer with the school nurse.

The Northshore School District recommends that medication be taken at home whenever possible. We recognize, however, that in some cases it is essential that medication be administered during the school day. For the protection of all the students and to comply with Washington state law, the district has a policy and procedures in place for the handling of ALL medications in the schools.

Please do not put any kind of medicine, including aspirin, vitamins, and cough drops in your child's lunch box, backpack or pockets. Unidentified medicine can never be given at school. Students who require use of a narcotic for pain control should be kept home.

School Staff Administered Medication

 The following conditions must be met:

  • All medications, whether over-the-counter (except sunscreen) or prescription, need a current Northshore Medication Authorization Form signed by the student's healthcare provider/dentist and parent/guardian.
  • Medication must be delivered to school in a properly labeled prescription or original over-the-counter container. The student's name must be on the label with proper identification of the drug, dosage, and directions for administration.
  • A quantity sufficient for one month only can be sent to school.
  • The medication order is effective for the current school year only.

If changes in the medication order occur, the parent is responsible for notifying the school and providing verification from the healthcare provider/dentist.

Student Self-Administered Medication

 The following conditions must be met: In appropriate cases and with the knowledge of the school nurse, the parent/guardian can delegate the responsibility for self-administration of medication to the student. In doing so, the parent releases the school district from any obligation to monitor the student and assumes full responsibility for the student's use of the medication:

  • Self-Administration does not apply to controlled substances, e.g. Codeine, Vicodin
  • The student may only carry a one-day supply (1 - 2 doses) of the medication.
  • The medication must be in the original container.
  • The student must have written permission to self-medicate signed by the parent/guardian.

Medication to be self-administered for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days whether over-the-counter or prescription requires a current Northshore Medication Authorization Form signed by the student's healthcare provider/dentist and parent/guardian stating that the student may self-medicate. The student must also demonstrate his/her ability to the School Nurse to correctly evaluate his/her symptoms and use the medication appropriately.

Medication while on Field Trips 

For students on daily medication, request an extra labeled container from your pharmacy to use for field trips. Advanced planning with the school nurse is needed for students who need access to emergency medications or other medications during field trips, after school sports, clubs and activities where students may not have access to school stored medications in the health room after school hours.

 Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications

When a parent requests that his/her student be allowed to self-administer medication for asthma and/or anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), an Authorization for Medication must be filled out and signed by the health care provider and parent/guardian. The permission form must contain a treatment plan for what to do in case of an emergency.

If you wish your student to self-administer medication at school or have any other questions related to the information noted here, please contact the school nurse at 425-408-8806

Life-Threatening Conditions

In order to provide a safe learning environment, the legislature of the State of Washington has passed a requirement for children with life-threatening conditions. (Chapter 101, Laws of 2002, amending Chapter 28A.210 RCW)

 Effective June 13, 2002, the attendance of a child with a life threatening condition at a Washington public school shall be dependent upon receiving medication or treatment orders before or on the child’s first day of attendance at school.

 The law defines life-threatening conditions as “a health condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if a medication or treatment order and a nursing plan are not in place.” Children with life-threatening conditions such as severe bee sting or food allergies, severe asthma, unstable diabetes, severe seizures, etc., are now required to have a medication or treatment order in place before they start school. Students with a life-threatening condition qualify for a 504 Accommodation/Emergency Care Plan.

 “Medication or treatment order” means the authority a registered nurse obtains under RCW 18.79.260(2). This is covered when the child’s licensed health care provider completes the Authorization for Medication form or treatment order for medical services to be performed at the school.

 If a medication or treatment order is not provided, the principal of the school is required to exclude the child until an order is provided. This requirement applies to students with life-threatening conditions who are new to the district, and students who are already attending the school. Our exclusion procedures are in accordance with the rules of the State Board of Education.

 It is vital to your child’s safety during the school day that if your child has a life-threatening health condition requiring medical services at school, you immediately notify your school nurse. The necessary forms will be provided and a time will be arranged for you to meet with your child's school nurse.

 Please contact the ILHS school nurse if you have any questions or would like further clarification.

Injuries at School – Parent Financial Responsibility

The health and safety of our students is the district’s foremost concern. Even so, accidents may and do happen and the resulting medical bills can be expensive. Many families are unaware that the district does not carry insurance for student personal injury costs and cannot assume responsibility for them. If your child gets hurt during school or a school activity, the parent or guardian is financially responsible for any medical bills. This includes participation in athletics and after-school activities. If your student participates in a sport, please make certain your family insurance plan covers athletic participation.

 Optional supplemental student insurance:  Annually, as a service, we provide information on an optional student accident/health insurance plan. An enrollment form and policy information are available in the Main Office and on the district’s Safety & Security webpage at wwwnew.nsd.org/Page/1037.

Leaving a Classroom

Innovation Lab High School teachers are responsible for the well-being of their students.  Leaving a classroom without teacher permission is not appropriate or respectful, may not be safe, and disciplinary sanctions will be imposed, including detention, Saturday School, or Suspension.

Library Information for Students 

The mission of the ILHS Library Information and Technology program is to ensure that students are effective users and producers of ideas and information. We seek to provide an environment where students and staff feel welcome and supported in their search for information.

  • We provide information and technology literacy instruction.
  • We provide reading advocacy and support. 
  • We teach students to be safe, ethical and responsible digital citizens.

Teacher-Librarians:   Kristen Briley kbriley@nsd.org            

Non-Discrimination Statement

The Northshore School District prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, sex, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, in all its employment procedures, training, programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination: Director of Human Resources (Title IX, ADA, and Civil Rights Compliance), Director of Student Services (Section 504), 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell, WA 98021, (425) 408-6000.

Nuisance Items

All items necessary for the improvement of student learning or for afterschool sports use are welcome on campus.  All other items that do not improve student learning and/or are not necessary should be left at home.  Some (but not all) examples are below. 

  • Laser pointers are not allowed and could be classified as a dangerous weapon. Any laser pointer brought to school will be confiscated. Discipline may be assigned.
  • Skates, roller blades, razor scooters, skateboards, or go-carts are not permitted on campus except as a means of getting to/from school.  These items must be stored either in the locker room or Main Office once the student has arrived on campus.
  • Animals (pets) are not permitted on school grounds. Pets must be removed from campus immediately.
  • Portable speakers playing loud or inappropriate music will be confiscated.

Large sports bags and sports equipment should be stored in the locker room or Main Office.


Student parking is a privilege. Students without parking authorization will not be allowed to park on campus. Careless driving, speeding, and/or violating basic driving laws on campus will result in disciplinary action and the loss of campus parking privileges. Students are expected to enter/leave the parking lot from the designated entrances. Students are not to drive in the bus loading lot.

The speed limit on campus is 5 mph. Innovation Lab High School or Northshore School District will not be responsible for vandalism to vehicles on campus or to vehicles that are hit because of student negligence.

Students requesting to park their cars on school grounds will:

1. Complete a ILHS Parking Application and pay the associated fee
2. Show a valid Washington State Driver’s License
3. Provide proof of vehicle insurance
4. Provide current registration and license plate number
5. Display school parking ID pass
6. Have their car subject to search if administrators believe there are reasonable grounds for such action

Parking pass sales are first come, first served with 12th graders, WANIC, Running Start, Teaching Academy Students having priority. There are a limited number of parking spots available. No special considerations are given. Each student has their own special needs and no judgments will be made on who is more deserving. 

After you have parked your car each morning, you are not allowed in any of the parking lots until you are leaving for the day. You cannot return to your car to pick up or leave any items unless you have a written permission slip from a teacher and/or an administrator.

Parking Fines

Properly registered vehicles improperly parked will be assessed the following fines:

     1st  violation   Conference with Admin
     2nd violation   Conference with Admin and $10 citation 
     3rd  violation   Conference with Admin and $20 citation

     Additional Violations   Progressive discipline, may include vehicle being impounded (owner’s expense)

Non-registered vehicles — No Parking Tag Issued:

1st violation $25.00 parking fine 

2nd violation $30.00 parking fine; meeting with Asst. Principal/Parent 

3rd violation $35.00 parking fine; vehicle impounded (owner’s expense) 

The towing fines will be paid directly to the towing company.

All school parking fines are payable to ASB within two (2) weeks of violation. Failure to comply will result in loss of parking privileges.

If students wish to appeal the citation and fine, they must submit a written appeal to the Campus Supervisor within 48 hours from the date of the citation. Students with outstanding fees or fines may not apply for a parking permit or activities. Students with outstanding fines at the end of the semester will lose their parking privileges.

Bothell Police may ticket vehicles improperly parked on streets surrounding the school. It is important that students know the laws governing the parking in and around ILHS.

Participation & Supplemental Student Fees

Get involved! Please, do not let financial hardships keep you from getting involved or enjoying your high school experience. See an administrator or your counselor to explore possible scholarship opportunities or reduced rates. Online payments can be made at: https://wa-northshore.intouchreceipting.com/ 

Financial hardship:

  1. Families qualifying for free/reduced meals may qualify for a partial/whole athletic fee scholarship.
  2. Students who need assistance should contact an administrator or counselor to check into scholarship or reduced rate opportunities that may be available.

ASB Sticker   $40.00 Required for all sports and most clubs/activities

Yearbook   $35.00 $35 in Winter, then $35 in spring (buy early)

Athletic Participation  $300 Athletics are at home area high schools only

Costs adjusted for multiple sports or within family

These and most other fees may be paid online using schoolsales.nsd.org. There is a $1.95 convenience fee per transaction. Cards accepted are American Express, VISA, MasterCard. Fees may be paid to ASB Bookkeeper at ILHS by cash or check (made out to Innovation Lab High School).

To access school sales, parents need to have a Parent Assist login available from the Office Manager at 425.408.6201. Some fees cannot be paid online and must be paid at the Cashier’s office with cash or check.  Replacement ID cards are $5.00.

ASB Cards:

All students participating in a sport or club at the high school level must purchase a high school ASB card to participate in athletics. The funds go directly into the school’s ASB account to support the year-to-year costs of the athletic programs (e.g. facilities, equipment, uniforms, game transportation cost, etc.).


Innovation Lab students are eligible to participate in the athletic teams at their NSD home high school. Learn more about the athletics calendar, requirements, and fee payment here.

Reckless behavior

Student safety is our top priority. Reckless behavior can cause harm to others or schoolproperty, even if not intentional. Students will be held accountable and progressive discipline will be assigned.

Schedule Changes

Schedule changes will be made on an extremely limited basis. Year-long classes will not be dropped at any time during the year unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the principal. Full-year classes are exactly that: Full Year.  Semester classes will not be dropped unless a graduation requirement must be added or for an administrative reason.


A student and his/her property, including vehicles, may be searched by an administrator or their designee if there is reasonable suspicion that the search will lead to the discovery of contraband or other evidence of a student’s violation of school rules or the law. Administrators or their designees may make general searches of all student lockers, desks, or storage areas without prior notice given to students as these are district, not student, property.  Narcotic detection dogs may be used to search unattended areas. Searches that result in law violations will be referred to police. (For more information, see the Northshore School District Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.)

Sexual Harassment

The district prohibits sexual harassment of students by other students, employees, and third parties involved in District programs or activities. Complaints of sexual harassment of students will be investigated by the district even if the alleged harasser is not a district employee or student.

  • acts of sexual violence;
  • unwelcome sexual or gender-directed conduct or communication that substantially interferes with a student’s educational performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment; ·
  • unwelcome sexual advances;
  • unwelcome requests for sexual favors; ·
  • unwelcome sexually motivated physical contact;
  • sexual demands when submission is a stated or implied condition of obtaining an educational benefit; and ·
  • sexual demands where submission or rejection is a factor in an academic, or other school-related decision affecting a student.

Special Accommodations

Innovation Lab High School will make every effort to provide accessibility to events, meetings and programs to individuals with disabilities. Please contact the main office at 425.408.6201 to request special accommodations.

Student Information

Most information about Northshore School District students cannot be made public without consent of parents or guardians. Federal law prohibits schools from releasing information without permission, except for what is termed “directory information.” Directory information about students may be released by the district without parental consent, according to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The school district will not release directory information for commercial purposes.

 Directory information is defined as the student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of enrollment, photographs, most recent school attended, diplomas and awards, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of athletes.

 All students shall have their picture taken for their ASB Card or their student ID Card which shall be carried at all school-related activities. Photos of students are sometimes used in district or school-produced publications or for use by the news media. The district takes special care not to identify the photographed students by name or by the school they attend in most cases. However, published photos in yearbooks, student/school newspapers, school handbooks, etc., are considered public domain and can be reproduced by the media.

 Parents/guardians who do not want this directory information or photographs released must notify the school principal in writing by October 1. Here is the Permission to Withhold Student Directory Information form.

Student Records

Northshore School District has a policy to safeguard student records from unauthorized use and disposition. Copies are available upon request. In compliance with Title IX and HB 413, we will publish information such as honor rolls, and club and team rosters.

Student and Staff Rights

Students and staff shall be free from verbal, written, or physical acts of harassment, hostility, defamation, or intimidation in any form based upon national origin, race, religion, economic status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, previous arrests, previous incarceration, or handicapping condition.

 Innovation Lab High School is committed to a “safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers, and patrons, free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying.” The policy, reflecting state law, defines harassment, intimidation, and bullying as any intentional written, verbal, or physical act motivated by characteristics such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability which:

  • • Results in physical harm or property to another student or staff member.
  • • Substantially interferes with another student’s education.
  • • Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
  • • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Students are expected to respect the rights and property of others and to be courteous and cooperative with staff and other students Campus rules and regulations are in effect during the school day and during all school-sponsored events. Any student who willfully performs or fails to perform any act which materially interferes with or is detrimental to the orderly operation of a school, a school-sponsored activity, or any other aspect of the educational process of the school district will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including detention, suspension, expulsion, and/or police referral.

At any time, students may be redirected by a staff member regarding inappropriate behavior and are expected to comply with all reasonable requests. When asked to leave class for inappropriate behavior, teachers may remove the student from the class. Notification to appropriate administrator and parent may follow.

Copies of the District Rights & Responsibilities Handbook are available on the district website. Refer to that R&R document for more details including discipline related to these and other topics:

  • Alcohol, Marijuana, Illicit Drugs
  • Computer & Network Use; Phones & Electronic Devices
  • Fighting or Assaults
  • Gambling
  • Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
  • Hazing
  • Public Displays of Affection, Profanity and Lewd Behavior
  • Searches
  • Theft
  • Threats
  • Vapes/Substance Delivery Devices, Tobacco/Smoking
  • Vandalism, Arson, Reckless Burning
  • Weapons

Summer School

Students who need to make up credits in order to graduate with their class are encouraged to consider summer school through the Northshore Secondary Summer Academy. Information is available on the District website or from the Counseling Office beginning in May.

 Technology Guidelines

Guidelines based on Board Policy 2022. Visit the NSD Instructional Technology website for the full text of the Responsible Use Procedure. You are responsible for knowing and understanding all of the information in the Responsible Use Procedure and the Board Policy & Procedure.

Use / Possession of Controlled Substances and Alcohol

Students are not allowed to use and/or possess controlled substances and/or alcohol on school/district property, at school-sponsored activities, at school athletic events, or in areas adjacent to Innovation Lab High School.  Possession, use, trade, purchase, sale, distribution, and/or being under the influence of any controlled substance or alcohol is illegal.

Progressive discipline will be assigned per the Northshore School District Rights & Responsibilities Handbook .

 Use / Possession of Electronic Cigarettes, Vapor-Pens, etc.

Students are not allowed to use and/or possess electronic cigarettes, hookah pens, vapor-pens (JUUL or other), or other substance-delivery devices, etc. on school/district property, at school-sponsored activities, at school athletic events, or in areas adjacent to Innovation Lab High School.  All electronic cigarettes and associated products are considered drug paraphernalia, regardless of content. Possession, use, trade, purchase, or sale on campus is against Northshore School District Policy.

Progressive discipline will be assigned per the Northshore School District Rights & Responsibilities Handbook .

Use / Possession of Tobacco

Students are not allowed to use and/or possess tobacco-related products on school/district property, at school-sponsored activities, at school athletic events, or in areas adjacent to Innovation Lab High School.  Tobacco-related products will be confiscated and discarded, and students will receive discipline according to the District’s Rights and Responsibilities code. 


Students who vandalize or deface school property by painting buildings, sidewalks, sports fields, etc., destroying trees or plants, breaking windows, or damaging the campus or school property in any way will face severe discipline, including but not limited to a police report, legal prosecution, and payment of restitution.


To ensure campus security, we require all visitors to check-in at the main office before entering any other part of the school and wear a visitor badge (with the exception of attendance at school events after school).

  • Visitors are defined as anyone other than students or staff.
  • Visitors are only permitted in classrooms when it is previously arranged with the teacher.
  • Please schedule meetings with staff in advance. We welcome collaboration with parents/guardians, and see it as essential to student success. In order for us to provide our undivided attention and sufficient time, we ask that you email or call to set up a meeting at a mutually agreed-upon time.
  • Always wear a visitor badge. Just as staff are required to wear ID badges, so too is any adult entering the building during school hours.
  • Our  doors will remain locked during the school day. Please call the main office at 425-408-6201 or ring the doorbell to have someone open the building door for you.
  • Volunteer participation is welcomed and supported. It must be prearranged and approved.


Volunteer Registration

ILHS very much enjoys our parent volunteers and involvement. Volunteers need to review the NSD Volunteer Orientation and complete the background check form. To register, visit the NSD Volunteer page or NSD.org > Get-Involved > Become a Volunteer.


It is a violation of Washington State Law for any student to carry onto school premises, school-provided transportation, school or District facilities any firearm, dangerous weapon, or look-alike weapon. Any infraction of this law will result in emergency expulsion from the Northshore School District. (For a more complete statement, please see the Northshore School District Rights & Responsibilities Hand